Archive for July 2013

Mint glitter


posted by Unknown on , , , , , , , , ,

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Hey guys,

Back with another glitter experiment today using yet more of my recent purchases. I used a  base of NYC blue sky a minty bue green colour I've bought since my haul post. This is an amazing colour and I am loving NYC as they are even cheaper than Barry M and are a really good quality. Some are even one coaters such as full metal jacket. I painted a coat of Barry M rose quartz over the top. I love this glitter as it has larger circle glitter and finer glitter. Pictures below.

Hope you enjoy 

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Eye nail art


posted by Unknown on , , , , , , , ,

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Hey guys,

I've got some nail art for you today. I decided to do this sort of creepy design as I am obsessed with eyes and wanted to create a comic style design. First pics then a tutorial.

To create this design I started by painting a base colour of china glaze stone cold (part of last years hunger games collection) I like this polish as it dries matte and so creates a great contrasting finish. I next used a dotting tool to add white dots and then outlined this using a tooth pick dipped in black Barry M and then created a dot in the middle of the white and then in between the eyes.

I like this design but don't think it's one of my best

Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think and please like and subscribe.
I'm on tumblr, twitter, pintrest,facebook, instagram and google+

Red Ruby glitter swatch


posted by Unknown on , , , , , , ,

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Hey guys, 

Back again today with another swatch post. I decided to show you Barry M Ruby glitter over Barry M pomegranate. This created a lovely shiny sweet looking nail. Unfortunately my nails started breaking again. I had kept the ring finger nail glued on when it partially split but the lumps of glue under the nail were driving me crazy. So I decided just to cut it back and file the other nails down slightly as It took so long for me to be happy with my nails and they had stayed perfect for a while I hate to cut them all down to stubs. So my nails don't match again but at least some of them are long enough to do nail art on.  Anyway enough rambling heres the pictures.

Hope you enjoy,

Aqua glitter swatch


posted by Unknown on , , , , ,

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Hey guys,

This is one of the glitter experiments I mentioned previously. This looked a lot nicer in real life as I am only just getting into glitter polishes I am learning how best to photograph them. I swatched Barry M aqua glitter over Barry M gelly Blue Grape. I loved the contrast between the two colours and could not stop looking at my nails. So sparkly and pretty.

Hope you guys enjoy and I am still catching up with posting so still loads to come.

Gold and Red doticure


posted by Unknown on , , , , , , , , ,

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Hey guys,

I've been really lazy with editing pictures so I completed these at the weekend but am only posting now, sorry. I really loved these nails as they were a bit different to the usual doticures I do and use two of the polishes I talked about in my haul post. I loved how these colours complimented each other and the look of the gold which is NYC full metal jacket. This has replaced Barry M gold foil effects as my new fav gold. Pictures than a how to.

I started with a base colour of NYC full metal jacket. I love the formula of this as it literally only needed one coat. Amazing! I then created large dots with NYC manhattan the deep plum red colour which I also love. I then doted over the red in gold and as a final touch added smaller dots strategically in between the larger dots. 

Hope you enjoy, 
I have loads more glitter experiments from my haul buy to show you as well but I'll save that for tomorrow.


Pink Glitter Gradient


posted by Unknown on , , , , , , , , ,

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Hey guys,

Just a quick update on yesterdays purchases, I created a Pink glitter gradient. The last glitter gradient I did was not a success as I used powder glitter to create it instead of polish. I am much happier with this gradient as it is a lot more subtle all be it very girly. This would be perfect for a wedding or a prom as it is quite simple but very pretty.

Unfortunately to show the glitter I had to play around with the image and so my skin looks a bit red but the colour of the nails is right although the images are a little to contrasted. 

Hope you enjoy these nails, please comment and follow.


Todays Nail Polish Haul


posted by Unknown on , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Hey guys,
Ive never done a haul post before but I have mentioned in posts when I'd bought new polishes. Today I went a bit 3for2 crazy in superdrug as they are having a 3for2 on all nail varnishes. I picked up 12 new polishes for under £20. Bargin, I also try to maximise the money I save buy buying all the polish that cost the same amount together, this involves queuing up a couple times but you save more money as the cheapest product is always free.

To start I bought these NYC Foil explosion polishes at £1.99. The green is Magic Earth, the blue/silver is Aqua Mist, and the pink is Power of Elements. They had another pink and a bronzey peach but I didn't think these would suit my skin tone. I wanted these polishes as I have heard good reviews about them and thought they would be good for stamping which I want to get when I get paid lol. 

I bought these other NYC colours for £1.79 and got, Manhattan the plumy damson colour, Full Metal Jacket the gold, and East Village the glittery blue. 

I also bought these Barry M glitters as they are some of the only Barry M's that I don't own and as I dont have many glitters I wanted to have some. As you know I love Barry M and so can't pass up getting them on a 3for2 deal.

Hope you guys enjoy and also take advantage of the 3for2 I havent tried any of these yet but will keep you posted.


Fourth of July American Flag Nails


posted by Unknown on , , , , , , , , ,

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Hey guys,
Just a quick holiday themed post today, I know the holidays nearly over but I've only just done these. Pictures than a quick how to!

To do these I started with a white base coat and then using a toothpick I painted a blue, Barry M indigo, square at the top left of all my nails. I than used the toothpick to draw red lines down the nail and then added white dots over the blue when dry. Finish with top coat and your done :P

Hope you enjoy,


Please follow and leave some comments. 

Silvery Lilac zigzags


posted by Unknown on , , , , ,

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Hey guys,
Today I decide to create another design using strips of tape as It worked really well with stripes last time, although smudged with topcoat. I suggest to recreate this design you paint your nails the chosen base colour the night before to ensure the nails are completely dry and the tape does not rip up the base colour when applied. I used a base of Barry M silvery lilac on most of my nails but silver foil effect on my ring finger. I let that dry then cut masking tape using pinking scissors and applied to the nail and then painted over using silver or silvery lilac. Now the pictures.

Hope you enjoy,

Peach and blue polka dots


posted by Unknown on , , , , ,

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Hey guys,
I've got a couple of posts for you today as I'm getting round to posting my latest nails.
The first is this peach and blue polka dot. I've been trying to use some of the polishes that I have but haven't worn yet, peach being one of them. Peach really isn't my colour and so I added the blue to break up the colour and create a cute design. Dots are so easy to do with a dotting tool and so Is one of my favourite things to do on my nails.

I created large dots in a zigzag down the middle of my nail and then added smaller dots in a line either side. This isn't my favourite design but I took it of soon after the pictures as I hated the way peach looked with my skin.

Hope you enjoy,