Blood dripping nails


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Hi, I've been watching a lot of crime dramas recently, in particular Dexter. So I decided to do a dripping blood design. Pictures first then the how to.

To create this design I started with two coats of Barry M matte white, this colour is quite translucent so you may need a third coat yet I didn't. Next I painted on my matte top coat by rimmel as although the white is called 'matte' it really isn't. You don't have to do the matte coat but I like the contrast as it makes the red blood appear a lot wetter that if the white is shiny. To finish I blobbed on Barry M in raspberry close to my cuticle and then dragged it down my nail with a dotting tool. You could continue the design and make it into a cute cupcake design by painting the tips light brown if you're not a fan of blood. This design though would be perfect for Halloween. 

Hope you enjoy, please tell me what you think!