Hi, today I decided to create a ladybird design on my nails. As a kid I was obsessed with this insect and whenever I saw one I had to pick it up. Apart from the black ones which creped me out. I even dressed up as a ladybird for Halloween in a costume my grandma made me :P So I thought it was about time to put them on my nails. Pictures first then the how to.
To create these nails I started with two coats of gelly Barry M pomegranate. This colour looks really pink in the bottle but dries to a much redder colour. After this is dry I used my black Barry M nail art pen to draw a line across the nail as a guide to paint my nail tip as adding circular stickers as guides smudged the colour. I think this is because I did not let it dry long enough. After I'd draw the line across my tips I used Rimmel 60 seconds to paint the tip being careful not to get paint over the guide line. I then went back to using the black nail art pen to draw a line down the centre of the nail and add three spots to either side of this line. You can use as many dots as you want but I personally liked the way three dots looked. I photographed this, but then went back and added white dots onto the tips using a white Barry M nail art pen which I prefer the look of. I also really liked the effect of just painting the black tips on had.
Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think.
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