Hi, at the moment I really like the idea of appreciating the everyday things we don't pay attention to. so I've chosen to create a road and traffic light nail design. Pictures first then the how to.
To create the design on the thumb I painted a base colour of Barry M in black. When this was dry I used my white Barry M nail art pen to paint three white dots one underneath the other in the centre of the nail. I let this dry and then dotted red over the dot nearest to the cuticle, yellow on the middle dot and green on the last dot. |
For the design on the first finger I started by painting a base colour of matte white by Barry M over all of my nails except the thumb. On this nail I used a thin paint brush to paint the blue circle outline. The colour is Barry M in Cobalt blue as is the blue in the rest of the design. I then carefully filled in the blue circle with Barry M gelly Pomegranate using another thin brush. |
After I had painted the base coat I created a blue circle in the centre of the nail and then used my white nail art pen to paint on the white arrows. |
For this sign I carefully painted two red semi- circles with a white gap in the middle and then used the paint brush to join up the two semi circles. |
For this nail I repeated what I did on the middle finger but this time only drew one bigger arrow. |
Hope you enjoy, can you name all of the road signs I used in the design? :P
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