Flamingo nails


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Hi, today I bought the pink Barry M nail art pen and decided to create a flamingo design. This design is really cute and I've had lots of comments from friends thinking that the design was a stencil but I assure you it's freehand just like all my designs. Pictures first than the tutorial.

To create the design I started with a base of Barry M in cyan blue, this needs two coats. I then drew the flamingos body on with the pink nail pen when this was dry. To do this I started by drawing a small circle near the base of my nail and then drew a larger circle underneath this. I joined these two circles together with a curved line. Next I drew on the legs, I started by drawing a line straight down from the larger circle to the tip of my nail and drawing lines coming out of the end for the 'foot'. The other leg I drew crosses over the first and finish between the larger circle and the tip of my nail. After this I drew first a white line out of the side of the smaller circle then used my black nail art pen to draw the beak tip and the eye. I then used the pink pen again to add some lines out of the larger circle to look more like feathers. I finished with a coat of Sally Hansen Insta-dri.
Hope you enjoy